Identity University

University Flag

Universitas Jenderal Soedirman has a square-shaped flag with its length and width ratio equals to 3:2. The basic colour is deep yellow with colour code CMYK: 10-35-100-0 and there is Universitas Jenderal Soedirman’s symbol in the centre of the flag.

Faculty and Post Graduate Flags

Faculties and Post Graduate Program in Universitas Jenderal Soedirman has a square-shaped flag with its length and width ratio equals to 3:2. Each of them has different basic colours and there is Universitas Jenderal Soedirman’s symbol in the centre of the flag. The width ratio between the symbol and the flag is 1:3. The identity of the faculty of the post graduate program is written below the symbol.


The Meaning of UNSOED Symbol

UNSOED has a symbol of a five-petal yellow lotus with black edge line. In the middle of the symbol, there are:

  1. A black silhouette of the half body of The Great Commander Jenderal Soedirman who turns right and wears Banyumas traditional turban (iket).
  2. A golden yellow star

A white champak flower with one pistil has three petals and two leaves on each side. UNIVERSITAS JENDERAL SOEDIRMAN and 1963 are written bold in bookman old style. The texts are separated with two black stars.

The meanings of UNSOED symbol are :

  1. A five-petal yellow lotus represents Pancasila, which is the basic guidance for UNSOED and its people in doing their tasks;
  2. A black silhouette of The Great Commander Jenderal Soedirman represents the ideal, characteristic, and spirit of the Commander which always stay in UNSOED’s students, lecturers, staffs, and alumni;
  3. A golden yellow star represents UNSOED’s students, lecturers, staffs, and alumni who believe in God; and a white champak flower represents honesty, truth, justice, hero, responsibility, and persistence portrayed by UNSOED’s students, lecturers, staffs, and alumni.

The colour codes of UNSOED symbol are :

No.LambangWarnaKode Warna (CMYK)
1A silhouette of The Great Commander Jenderal SoedirmanBlack0-0-0-100
2A starGolden Yellow0-16-100-0
3A white champak flowerWhite0-0-0-0
4A five-petal lotus





University Hymne & Mars