Campus Life


Located away from the hustle and bustle of traffic, Purwokerto is a quiet and beautiful city that offers its own charm to anyone. Purwokerto's strategic location in the middle of Java Island and away from traffic makes it convenient for studying purposes and hosts many universities. The city has prepared a warm welcome with amazing accommodation options. Along the street, the city lights highlight the tall buildings, signalling the presence of luxury hotels located on the main roads. Various starred hotels offer comfort, tranquillity, and luxury along with the beautiful surroundings. Not only does Purwokerto offer luxury and comfort, there is also a selection of villas and inns set amidst a quiet and cool rural setting for visitors looking for a beautiful green setting. Purwokerto provides all those easily accessible from every public transportation facility, both stations and terminals as well as close to Jenderal Soedirman University.

Banyumas has a number of tourist attractions that have become favorite destinations for local and out-of-town tourists. These tourist destinations include natural tourist attractions such as the Pine Forest in Sumbang Subdistrict, which is very popular for its beautiful scenery adorned by towering pine trees, and the Baturraden Botanical Garden, which collects a variety of plants, ranging from orchids to various medicinal plants. In addition, there are also man-made tourist attractions such as Balai Kemambang which is a historical building that dates back to the Dutch colonial era and has a high historical value, and Menara Pandang which is a popular spot to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Purwokerto from a high altitude. Banyumas is also home to valuable cultural attractions, such as Lengger Banyumasan Dance which is a traditional dance performed by two or more people accompanied by calung musical instruments and a sinden; Wayang Kulit Gragag Banyumasan which is a type of shadow puppet show performed with techniques influenced by Banyumasan culture; and Ebeg which is a kind of lumping horse dance using horses made of woven bamboo with accompaniment of music from gamelan led by an ebeg puppeteer. One of the cultural events awaited by residents and tourists is the Kirab Pusaka (Heritage) Procession held every year to commemorate Banyumas' anniversary which is celebrated every February.  The Pusaka that is being involved in Kirab procession consist of krises, spears, and stambul books.



Kota Purwokerto dikenal dengan berbagai julukan. Di antaranya, Kota Wisata, Kota Pelajar, Kota Pensiunan, dan Kota Transit.  Menuju Purwokerto bisa dilakukan dengan berbagai moda transportasi, baik kereta api maupun bus. Sementara itu, untuk transportasi dalam kota Purwokerto tersedia Bus Trans Banyumas, angkutan umum dalam kota (angkota), taksi, maupun transportasi online. Semua fasilitas transportasi tersebut siap  mengantarkan ke seluruh pelosok di kota Purwokerto.  

Purwokerto offers a very rich variety of culinary.  Starting from the traditional culinary delights of Purwokerto such as sotomendoandagegetukserabinopia with recipes passed down from generation to generation; to modern culinary such as fast food. These culinary varieties can be found in various traditional stalls, thematic restaurants, modern restaurant chains to coffee shops spread all around various areas in Purwokerto.


Shopping Center

Purwokerto has several traditional and modern markets which are the mainstay of its inhabitants and surroundings. The traditional markets are usually well-known for providing various types of traditional culinary food of Purwokerto, such as Mendoan, rabbit satay, and Jenang Jaket. Even though these traditional markets are quite simple, many people love the viscous atmosphere and nuance of the markets here. Moreover, one of the traditional markets in Purwokerto has become one of the best-managed traditional markets in Indonesia since it has already fulfilled the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Several modern markets in this city have become one of the favorite shopping and entertainment destinations for families in Purwokerto and its surroundings since they provide various types of needs and entertainment venues, such as cinema. In addition to the completeness of the items it provides, its location is generally located in the middle of the city which makes this market the right choice for the inhabitants of Purwokerto and its surroundings.

Purwokerto has lots of very adequate health service centers. Several of them, such as accredited government public hospitals, private hospitals, orthopedic hospitals, eye hospitals, surgical hospitals, and clinics are easily accessible since they are spread throughout Purwokerto. These hospitals are equipped with the latest equipment, medical facilities, and competent medical personnel. The health insurance can also be used at the designated health facilities.

Health Service Center