Cooperation, News

UNSOED and OMBUDSMAN Join Forces to Promote Education, Research, and Community Services

[, Rab, 07/08/24] Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Unsoed) and the Ombudsman RI established a collaboration on Wednesday, July 8, 2024. The collaboration was commemorated by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two parties, which took place on the third floor of the Unsoed Rectorate Building. 

The memorandum focused on the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education to enhance the quality of public services. The MoU was signed by Unsoed’s Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Akhmad Sodiq, M.Sc., Agr., IPU., ASEAN Eng, and the Chairman of the Ombudsman RI, Dr. Mokhammad Najih, S.H., M.Hum.

This cooperation agreement is valid for 5 years from the date of signing. It aims to accelerate the settlement of public reports, prevent maladministration, implement the Tridharma of Higher Education, improve human resource competencies, exchange information and/or data, and carry out other agreed activities.

The Rector of Unsoed, Prof. Dr. Ir. Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc., Agr., IPU., ASEAN Eng, has stated that Unsoed currently offers 97 study programs. In the future, the university aims to help achieve the government’s target for the education sector, which includes increasing the gross enrollment rate. This rate is currently low nationally, at around 34%, and even lower in Central Java, at about 24%. Unsoed plans to achieve this by, among other initiatives, expanding its capacity to admit new students.

“Unsoed has increased the number of study programs and capacity. Initially, in 2023, we will accept 6,500 new students. This year, we hope to reach 8,500 new students,” said the rector.

Regarding services, the Rector hopes that with more students, our efforts will be more serious, especially in terms of access. Access pertains to both the desire for quality education and financing.

The Chairman of the Ombudsman RI, Dr. Mokhammad Najih, hopes that this cooperation will not only exist on paper, but will also have follow-up actions, especially with representatives. The Ombudsman is also open to accepting interns who are not only students of the Faculty of Law, but also students from other faculties such as Economics, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Engineering, and more.

“This is because public services cover various aspects of people’s lives. When examining complaints related to technology issues, those who are not knowledgeable about technology may have trouble understanding the complaints. This applies to other fields as well. Although our primary area of expertise is law, especially in cases where technical knowledge is related to public services, our knowledge encompasses all fields,” stated Mokhammad Najih.

The chairman of the Ombudsman believes that Unsoed has valuable expert resources and has conducted various research. He thinks that we can collaborate on research related to policy change. 

“We can work together so that ideas from Unsoed can lead to direct action in changing government policies, including regional regulations, regulations of Regents, Mayors, Governors, and even central policies,” he explained.

During this event, a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) was signed between the Representative of the Ombudsman RI of Central Java Province and the Faculty of Law (FH) Unsoed. This agreement focuses on implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education to enhance the quality of public service delivery.

