Academic, News

The lecturers of Faculty of Social and Political Science (FISIP) Unsoed showed an outstanding achievement at the ICLG 2024 Malaysia International Conference

[, Thursday, 29/08/24] Six lecturers of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Unsoed managed to make the institution proud in the prestigious event “The 6th International Conference on Law and Globalization 2024” (ICLG 2024). The international conference was organized by the Faculty of Law and International Relations (FUHA), Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Terengganu, Malaysia on August 24-25, 2024.

The international conference raised the theme “Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Global Governance and Ethics: Navigating Legal and International Relations Frontiers”.

FISIP Unsoed delegates who attended the conference consisted of Dr. Wahyuningrat (Dean of FISIP), Prof. Slamet Rosyadi, Dian Bestari Santi Rahayu, M.Si, Dr. Agus Haryanto, Dr. Muhammad Yamin, and Elpeni Fitrah, Ph.D. These lecturers carried an important mission to disseminate the latest research results regarding the relevance of AI in various social scientific domains, ranging from International Relations, Public Administration, Tourism, Government Public Relations, to education.

Dr. Wahyuningrat, as the Dean of FISIP and leader of the group, expressed her appreciation for the team’s achievements in this international forum. “Our participation in ICLG 2024 is clear evidence of FISIP’s commitment to developing high-quality research that is relevant to global developments. We are proud to be able to bring a unique perspective from Indonesia to the discussion on the role of AI in global governance and ethics, especially from a social and political science perspective,” she said.

Furthermore, Dr. Wahyuningrat emphasized the importance of international collaboration in facing the challenges of the digital era. “Our presence here is not only to share knowledge, but also to build networks and collaborations with experts from various countries. This is very important considering AI and global governance issues require a cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural approach,” she added.

At this conference, Prof. Slamet Rosyadi presented material on the implications of AI on Rural Ecotourism, while Dian Bestari Santi Rahayu, M.Si discussed the potential of AI in public relations practices in Indonesia.

Then Dr. Agus Haryanto raised the issue of using AI in diplomacy and international relations, while Dr. Muhammad Yamin highlighted the role of AI in tourism promotion in Indonesia.

In addition, Dr. Wahyuningrat and Elpeni Fitrah, Ph.D examined the integration of AI in the learning process in Higher Education.

The participation of the FISIP team in ICLG 2024 not only shows the existence of institutions in the international arena, but also opens opportunities for research collaboration and knowledge exchange with global partners. This is in line with FISIP’s vision to become a center of excellence in social and political science education and research that is globally competitive.

“We hope that this participation can be a catalyst for more international cooperation in the future. FISIP is committed to continuing to encourage innovation in research and teaching, especially in facing the challenges of the AI era and globalization,” concluded Dr. Wahyuningrat. 

