Pengelolaan wilayah kelautan, pesisir, dan pedalaman, Profil Peneliti

Dr. Norman Arie Prayogo, S.Pi, M.Si.

Dr. Norman Arie Prayogo, S.Pi, M.Si., lahir di Banyumas, 7 September 1982. Menyelesaikan program S1 Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan di Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, program S2 Biologi di Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, dan melanjutkan pendidikannya dengan program S3 Bioteknologi di Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Dr. Norman Arie Prayogo, S.Pi, M.Si., melakukan banyak penelitian, diantaranya berjudul Gene Expression of Kisspeptin receptor and vitellogenin Receptor Activity in Hard Lipped Barb (Osteohillus hasseltii CV) using Photoperiods for Reproduction Intensification. Kemudian penelitian di tahun 2018 berjudul Gene expression of Kisspeptin and GnRH activity Gouramy (Osphronemus Gouramy) using Photoperiods for Reproduction Intensification. Penelitian tentang Gene expression of GnRH receptor, GtH receptor and vitelogenin receptor activity in Gouramy (Osphronemus Gouramy) using Photoperiods for Reproduction Intensification dan Efek Disruptive Cadmium Terhadap Aktivitas Poros Hipotalamus-Pituitari-Gonad pada Ikan Nilem (Osteochilus Hasselti C.V.): Kajian Selular dan Molekular tahun ke-2.

   Adapun publikasi artikel ilmiah dengan judul Identification and expression of gonadotrophin hormones in gouramy (Osphronemous gouramy, Lacepède, 1801) under photoperiod manipulations, The effect of endosulfan in gnrh and gth genes expression of male hard-lipped barb (Osteochilus vittatus c.v.), Heavy metal contamination in water, sediments and Planiliza subviridis tissue in the Donan River, Indonesia dan Genetics identification of sea holly (Acanthus dicifolius) through DNA barcoding from coastal Cilacap, Central Java, Indonesia.

Publikasi artikel ilmiah lainnya berjudul The Disruptive Effect Mercurychloride (HgCl) on Gene Expression of cGnRH-II, sGnRH, and Estradiol Level in Silver Sharkminnow (Osteochillus hasseltii C.V.) dalam Turkish Journal of Fishery and Aquatic Science, SCOPUS q3. Kedua, Identification and expression of two types of chicken GnRH -II genes in mature hard lipped barb, Osteochilus hasselti dalam Biodiversitas, SCOPUS q4. Ketiga, Effect of Photoperiods on Melatonin Levels, Estradiols Level and the Expression of cGnRH-II and sGnRH genes, in Hard-lipped Barb (Osteochilus hasselti C.V.) dalam Journal of Global Veterinaria SCOPUS q3. Dan keempat, Structure and Phylogenetic of GnRH Genes of Hard-lipped Barb (Osteochilus hasselti C.V). dalam Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research SCOPUS q4.