History University

Based on the preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and Banyumas people’s demand on higher education, formal and informal leaders in Banyumas initiated to open a university in Banyumas. As a follow-up action, they formed a board foundation of Universitas Jenderal Soedirman with a notarial deed number 32 on 20 September 1961. After that, because of demands from citizens, government institutions, and Indonesian National Army Forces, the board foundation of Universitas Jenderal Soedirman tried to open a university. Based on the Presidential Decree No 195 on 23 September 1963, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman was opened officially by the Minister of Higher Education and Science, Prof. Dr. Tojib Hadiwidjaja, in Banyumas official residence.
In the beginning, UNSOED only had three faculties, namely Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Biology, and Faculty of Economics. Then, UNSOED opened more faculties which are Faculty of Animal Husbandry (1966), Faculty of Law (1982), Faculty of Social and Political Science (1993), and Postgraduate Program (1994). Later in 2007, UNSOED opened Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, and Faculty of Science and Engineering.
In 2014, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences grew into Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Helath Sciences. In addition, Faculty of Science and Engineering also developed into Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, and Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science. Moreover, in the same year, UNSOED opened Faculty of Humanities which had been under Faculty of Social and Political Science.
Now, UNSOED confirms its commitment as a world-recognized university and a centre of rural resource development and local wisdom by enhancing strategic cooperation with other universities, businessmen, citizens, and local and central government to develop the available village’s potential. Thus, the three pillars of higher education could be applied and beneficial for the nation, country, and humanity.