
The Civil Engineering Students of UNSOED Successfully Participated in a Student Exchange Program in Taiwan

[, Fri, 09/08/2024] Two students from the Civil Engineering major at Jenderal Soedirman University (UNSOED), Habib Raihan Suryanto and Faishal Aydin, successfully participated in a student exchange program in Taiwan. The program took place from July to August 2024 and focused on the involvement of these two students in research in the field of Civil Engineering, particularly in relation to the reinforcement of strengthened concrete beam elements using various methods and strategies. Habib Raihan Suryanto and Faishal Aydin actively participated in the research, combining theoretical knowledge with practical application, as well as using the latest structural analysis tools and software.

This collaborative initiative involved UNSOED working with the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) and the National Centre for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE). The collaboration successfully expanded knowledge in the field of Civil Engineering and enhanced academic exchanges between Indonesia and Taiwan. During the program, two students had the opportunity to work with lecturers and researchers at NCKU and NCREE in a dynamic academic environment. 

Professor Hsuan-The Hu, as the head of the Computer Aided Structural Analysis Laboratory (CASALab) at NCKU, expressed his satisfaction with the success of the program with the following statement: “We are very grateful to have welcomed and received students from UNSOED. Their participation has made a real contribution to the research in our laboratories and enriched the academic relationship between the two institutions.” Furthermore, Professor Fu-Pei Hsiao, as the Director of the Tainan Laboratory Division of NCREE, appreciated the students’ contribution to the research and stated, “The collaboration with UNSOED students has provided a new perspective and innovation in our research. We hope that this collaboration can continue and lead to important breakthroughs in the field of Civil Engineering.”

The student exchange program provided valuable experiences for Habib Raihan Suryanto and Faishal Aydin. They gained in-depth knowledge and experience in Civil Engineering research and also experienced the unique culture and academic environment in Taiwan. UNSOED hopes that this collaboration will continue to strengthen the relationship between the institutions involved and make a positive contribution to the development of Civil Engineering science in the future.

