Cooperation, News

The Faculty of Engineering, Unsoed Collaborates with PT Sinar Tambang Arthalestari

[, Tuesday, 27/08/24] The Faculty of Engineering (FT) Unsoed entered into a cooperation agreement with PT Sinar Tambang Arthalestari (STAR), a producer of Bima Cement and Semenku. The signing of the cooperation agreemnt was held at RM Furama Purwokerto, on Tuesday (13/8/2024) by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Unsoed, Prof Dr Eng Ir Agus Maryoto ST MT, and General Manager of PT STAR, or Semen Bima DN Wiryasantika Wedagama.

The Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Unsoed appreciated the cooperation that was established. By having eight undergraduate and postgraduate study programs at the Faculty of Engineering, synergy and collaboration between academics and practitioners are needed to complement knowledge and industrial practices in the field.

“Currently, The Faculty of Engineering, Unsoed has undergraduate study programs, consisting of Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Geological Engineering, Informatics, Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. While for the master’s program is Master of Civil Engineering. Indeed, this cement is used by civil engineering graduates, but make no mistake because to build or operate this cement factory requires thousands of engineering graduates, ranging from mechanical, industrial, civil, geological, mining and others. So this collaboration is very important for us and our students as academics,” said the dean.

In the cooperation agreement, a number of cooperation clauses in the form of providing locations, and field work practice time from students for a maximum of six months according to the approval of PT STAR. In addition, there is also research involving academic parties, testing assistance, internship certification, industrial visits from lecturers and students and others. In addition, Unsoed can also provide facilitation of concepts, theories and knowledge to optimize the performance of cement plants.

Meanwhile, representing the management of PT STAR which is a company unit of the Salim Group, GM of PT STAR Wiryasantika Wedagama stated that this collaboration was beneficial for PT STAR, and the Faculty of Engineering of Unsoed. For information, Semen Bima, which is based in Ajibarang, Banyumas, has been operating since 2012 with a factory area of 34 hectares. Our mining license covers 2500 hectares, but not all have been explored.

“Only a small part can be explored according to the limestone content and others that we need. With a cement production capacity of 2 million tons per year, we are currently producing 1.250 million tons per year. With a production rate of 62 percent, this is better than cement companies in general, which produce an average of 58 percent,” Wiryasantika said.

Through this collaboration, Wiryasantika hopes that Unsoed can provide direction, so that Semen Bima can benefit many people, while maintaining environmental sustainability.

