
UNSOED International KKN in Sabah: Dedication to the Education of Migrant Labour Children

[, Sat, 10/08/24] In the period July – August 2024, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Unsoed) expanded its community service by implementing the International Community Service Programme (KKN) in Sabah, Malaysia. On Monday (29/7/2024), international KKN students were handed over at the Sekolah Indonesia Kota Kinabalu (SIKK) Hall. The handover was conducted by Ahmad Sabiq, the Field Supervisor, to Sahyuddin, the Principal of SIKK.

Ahmad Sabiq expressed his pride in the enthusiasm and dedication of the students involved in this International KKN in his speech. “This program is a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn and contribute directly to improving the quality of education for children of migrant workers in Sabah. We hope they can make a positive impact during this one-month service,” he said.

Seventeen students from different faculties at Unsoed will be assigned to seven locations in Kundasang and Keningau. They will be serving at the Community Learning Centre, which provides education for the children of Indonesian migrant workers.

Sahyuddin, the Head of SIKK, welcomed the International KKN program, expressing appreciation for the presence of Unsoed students. He emphasized that the students are expected to serve as educators, motivators, and inspirations for the children in the program. He expressed hope for the continuation of this collaboration, anticipating that it will bring real benefits to the nation’s children.

The International KKN program aims to offer Unsoed students valuable experience in understanding and adapting to the culture and challenges faced by the migrant worker community in Malaysia. Additionally, the program is expected to strengthen relations between Indonesia and Malaysia through education and community service.

With great enthusiasm and dedication, the participants of the Unsoed International KKN are prepared to dedicate themselves to improving the education of migrant workers’ children in Sabah. This handover ceremony marks the beginning of their valuable and meaningful service.

