News, Performance

Unsoed student won the 1st place in National Accounting Competition

[, Wed, 07/08/24] Yossi Khoerul Izata, a student of Accounting Class of 2022, Faculty of Economics and Business Unsoed, won a championship at the national level competition. He won the 1st place in the National Accounting Competition 2024 organized by the Accounting Department Student Association of Pancasila University.

Yossi has been pursuing accounting since the beginning of 2024. He tried several times to participate in Olympiad competitions in the scope of accounting (financial accounting, tax, audit, etc.). As of now, he has participated in about 10 competitions including Jambi Accounting Competition (organizer: Jambi University), International Accounting Week (organizer: Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University), and International Accounting Competition (Mataram University), and so forth. From several of these competitions, most of them reached the semi-finals.

During the preparation for the 2024 National Accounting Competition, Yossi always reads the relevant book references and watches various learning videos to make it easier to understand the competition material. Yossi organized his strategy to prepare for this competition as there were a lot of courses being contested.

‘I optimised my learning system by eliminating some courses that are expected to come out less in the competition in order to focus more on learning on courses that will come out more often in the competition,’ said Yossi.

He participated in this competition as a medium to grow during college. He believes that above the sky there is still a higher sky, so he perseveres to reach the higher sky. He realised that initially he felt he was competent enough and after participating in various competitions, he found out that there were still many others who were better than him in the accounting field.

Therefore, he is motivated to continue to compete sportively in the competition. The faculty and department always provide Yossi with support during competitions, namely by having accounting lecturers who are willing to guide him and provide delegation funds for competition accommodation.

Yossi had his own challenges in participating in this competition, which was a lack of confidence because this was his first time participating in an individual competition.

‘In the final round, I felt less confident because previously I had always been able to discuss with the team, unlike this time where I had to be able to rely on myself,’ said Yossi.

During the competition, Yossi also gained interesting experiences, including his first time visiting Jakarta by himself and using public transport in Jakarta for the first time.

‘In addition, I also gained new friends from various universities and shared the learning experiences from each university,’ he concluded.

