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UNSOED Students Won 3 Medals at the IYBC 2024

[, Fri, 09/08/24] Unsoed students have once again achieved success at international competitions. In 2024, at the International Youth Business Competition (IYBC), two teams from Unsoed won medals. Team 1, comprised of Riska Wahidah (Management ’21), Rifki Romadhan (Development Economics ’22), Miftakhus S. (Development Economics ’22), Naufal F. A. (Development Economics ’22), and Yunus N. A. (Development Economics ’22), received the Gold Medal and a Special Award for their project titled ‘Enablind (Enable the Blind): Revolutionising Inclusive Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities’.

Team 2, consisting of Riska Wahidah (Management ’21), Ezzra Rauwda P (Management ’21), Maula M. A. (Management ’21), Anfus K. (Management ’22), and Maya A. K. (Management ’21), won the Silver Medal with their project titled “Workable: Empowering Economic Independence for People with Disabilities through Inclusive Job Search Technology” at the IYBC competition. The IYBC competition is organized by the Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA).

Riska Wahidah, who is a member of both teams, acknowledges that she has been involved in business since the beginning of college. In addition to learning in class, she has also taken part in various business competitions to test and apply her knowledge. Prior to this competition, Riska had participated in and won numerous other competitions. 

“Beginning with winning first place in the faculty debate competition, I went on to receive 17 awards as the winner and 3 awards as the best speaker in national level debate competitions. Subsequently, I challenged myself by participating in an international invention and design competition, where I won a total of 6 medals.” said Riska.

In preparation for IYBC 2024, Riska and her team drafted an abstract of an innovative application idea designed to help people with disabilities find jobs and then refined the application. They also prepared PowerPoint presentations and application prototypes with detailed, informative, and interesting descriptions to convince the judges of the potential for their innovations to have a significant social impact.

Riska is highly determined and motivated to achieve her big dreams and improve herself through various accomplishments. She always remembers a quote from one of the books by her favourite famous author, Andrea Hirata: “I want to live to climb the top of the challenge…I want to live! I want to taste the essence of life!” 

The university supported Riska and her team in the competition by providing a supervisor aligned with their field and financial support. In addition to participating in the competition, Riska also needed to manage her time as a 6th-semester student. 

“This presents a challenge in itself because aside from being a part of two IYBC teams, I also have to represent Unsoed in the National Student Competition for Management and Finance (KBMK), prepare for the final project, and schedule the results seminar and conversion exam,” she explained.

During various competitions, Riska had many interesting experiences. One of the most memorable was her first experience with air transportation, where she visited China, Taiwan, and Vietnam at the end of 2023, although not for a long time. 

Riska bravely faced the limitations of being in a foreign country, walking a dozen kilometers every day. Despite the challenges, this journey taught Riska about courage, adaptation, and perseverance in facing new and challenging situations.

