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UNSOED Students Achieved Great Success by Winning Two Prestigious Awards at The ADMI 2024

[, Fri, 09/08/2024] Unsoed’s delegates won two outstanding achievements at the Indonesian Young Administrator (ADMI) event in 2024. The event took place from 4th to 8th August 2024 at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta. They received two awards, including runner-up in the Best Paper category and runner-up in the Best Presentation category.

This event included 132 delegations from various universities in Indonesia. The Unsoed teams comprised Rizki Maulana Riwayanto, Tiara Ayu Gunarti (Public Administration batch 2022), and Muhammad Agi Febi Faisal (Public Administration batch 2023).

Because of the dedication and hard work of these three students, they successfully presented their papers entitled ‘Bureaucratic Reform in Human Capital Investment through School for Students with Special Needs in Banyumas’. This paper not only attracted the judges’ attention but also received praise for its innovative approach in integrating bureaucratic reform with human resource development through specialized educational institutions.”Rizki Maulana Riwayanto, who acted as a screening committee of Unsoed delegations, expressed his proudness for this achievement, considering this was the second time for him to participate in the ADMI.

“This achievement is deeply meaningful, especially since this is the second time for me to participate in the ADMI. In the previous year, I also managed to bring home an award for winning the first place in the Best Paper category at the same event, which was held at STIA LAN Bandung at the time. This experience not only enriched our academic insights but also encouraged us to compete again and pursue achievements at the national level,” said Rizki. 

“The selection process for ADMI requires thorough preparation and strict evaluation. The internal selection took place in December 2023, consisting of various stages to ensure that only the best students represented the university. From this process, two main delegations were selected: Tiara Ayu Gunarti and Muhammad Agi Febi Faisal. Rizki Maulana Riwaanto was in charge as the screening committee,” Rizki explained.

Tiara Ayu Gunarti and Muhammad Agi Febi Faisal also expressed their pride in this achievement. They mentioned that participating in ADMI had given them valuable lessons and further motivation to continue pursuing and making a real contribution in the academic field.

Administrator Muda Indonesia (ADMI) is an annual forum attended by representatives of State Administration or Public Administration students from all over Indonesia since 2004. This year, ADMI will focus on “Outcome-Based Bureaucratic Reform to Support Sustainable Development.”

The sub-theme includes Poverty Reduction, Digitalization of Government Administration, Increased use of Domestic Products and Inflation Control, and Increased Investment.